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finished steel meaning in Hindi

finished steel sentence in Hindi

परिसज्जित इस्पात
finished    परिपूर्ण परिष्कृत
steel    तलवार दृढ़ता
1.The Moores controlled several makers of primary or finished steel products.

2.The rest of its semi-finished steel material was sent to Gary.

3.Latin America's top importers of finished and semi-finished steel, in thousands of tons.

4.The rest of its semi-finished steel was shipped to other facilities for finishing.

5.Latin America's top exporters of finished and semi-finished steel, in thousands of tons.

6.Take Roanoke Electric Steel Corp ., a Virginia-based mini-mill producer of finished steel products.

7.It has provided an outlet for approximately 200, 000 tons of semi-finished steel annually.

8.A small fleet of lorries also received Loadhaul livery for carrying finished steel products.

9.Bliss & Laughlin, based in Harvey, Illinois, is a maker of cold finished steel bars.

10.New Zealand exports about dlrs 25 million of finished steel to the United States each year.

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How to say finished steel in Hindi and what is the meaning of finished steel in Hindi? finished steel Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.